Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mini update. 
I has good news, I'm currently downloading Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2. It should be done by noon or so. Once I get it all done I should be able to play with strangers instead of playing with friends! Oh joy.

People can add me on steam, simplypsychotic. 


  1. Aww yeah I just bought it. Only ever played on Xbox so we'll see how it goes. Can't wait to play it htis weekend. TF2 will always have my heart htough.

  2. Awesome hope you have fun playing them!


  3. Lol I dont like FPS on the computer, im a console man

  4. My friend finally convinced me to play l4d2 a few weeks back, I was hesitant since I don't like zombie stuff, but it was the most fun coop I've ever played.

  5. hope you enjoy those games. they're real fun.
