Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thats right, I said it. I'm a wuss.

I might as well post now, since I'll probably forget about it later.

I played F.E.A.R a few minutes ago. All I can say, shit was not cash. Shit was scary. I finished the first two parts, stopped right after I saw the girl. Who was walking down the hallways with flames brewing. That wasn't that scary, other then her in general. I got scared when things jumped at me. I think I'm going to need to fix my mouse settings though, it's a bit too.... Sensitive.

As the wuss that I am, I'm playing on the low/easy mode. I'm not the best at FPS games, I hope to be able at some point.  The only game(s) I played a lot that were FPSs were Left 4 Dead  and Left 4 Dead 2.

I want to continue to play F.E.A.R. But I might wuss out and only play it during the day, we'll see.


  1. i usually play on easy/normal mode and when i get the hang of things i do it on hard mode.

  2. Lol the scary part is what makes it fun!

  3. It's okay, my husband loves to play Bioshock and I don't like to play that without him there lol It scares me with the pop out scary things,

  4. Cowgirl up, sister! If you're not going to save the world, who will?!

  5. i could never complete fear because i had a tendency of playing it in the dark.

  6. It can feel good to get scared. Makes you feel alive after. Keep at it, it's a good game.

  7. I dont like the direction FEAR is going in. The first one had scary moments but they seem to be heading towards the FPS halo style gameplay in the newer ones. Sad.

  8. I want to build a computer just to play this!

  9. I know how you feel. I love FPS games, but some of them are just too scary for me.

  10. I get scared playing sometimes too. :P

  11. Don't feel too bad.. I got legitimately frightened when I played Max Payne for the first time in the dark..

  12. Never played it. I will have to check it out.

  13. FEAR was terrifying. But I played it in the dark with headphones on purpose. :3

  14. silent hill 2 was really the only game that really seriously creeped me out

  15. fear is a freaky ass game, im with you on that.

  16. Lol I hate to admit it but I couldn't play Dead Rising at night, ESPECIALLY if it was night in the game, I would be so scared, I was like 16-17 at the time...

  17. If you're playing FEAR and you aren't atleast nervous, you're missing out in the experience. Keep playing at night and turn up the difficulty

  18. FEAR scared the shit out of me a couple of times.

  19. I told you it was a jumpy game, the second one is pretty good too, alot of jumpy parts like the first. If you enjoy this one when youre done give the second a chance!

  20. I agree. Its so damn scary to me. Hate it. If your playing alone you might as well kill yourself

  21. Someday I'll grow a pair and play Silent Hill 2...
