It has been far too long since my last update, there is so much to say, yet not enough time. I'll just start out with the basics.
I got myself a
game cube
a month ago, its been a while since I had one. And since I got it I played
ToZ: Wind Waker
, and I proudly say beat it. I have a bad habit when it comes to video games. I get distracted rather quickly. The current game I am playing on my lovely game cube is
Resident Evil 4
. I am the furthest I have ever been on this game, yet again I am proud. I'm on the second disc of that. I also bought myself
Tales of Symphonia
. I can't wait to play that, possibly with my boyfriend.
Steam is having some nice Holiday sales, Which I am trying to take advantage of. The first day of the sale I got my own copy of
Bundle and the
Deus Ex
Bundle. I spent less then $6 on both of those games together. I also got myself Humble Bundle #2, which I found out today I get the first bundle as well. I have a fair number of games that I either for free, or for a decent price. If you're curious
<here> is the list of my current games on Steam. I would be playing a lot of them, but my computer is the best for gaming.
Not to long ago I played
System Shock 2
with my boyfriend. He did most of the work, sadly. But we should replay that soon, so I can do a better job and actually know what the heck I'm doing.
I guess that is enough of an update for now, I'll try to post more often. Even if its small. Possibly I'll do some streaming too.